Wanderung zum Wiegensee mit Blick zum Kopsstausee | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Andreas Haller


Hiking in the Silvretta and Verwall mountains in the Montafon

Verwall or Silvretta? You can reach the Verwall mountains from Partenen with the Tafamuntbahn. You can reach the Silvretta via the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße. Both areas feature a variety of hiking tours and nearly untouched nature.


High mountains in the Montafon

With the highest mountain in Vorarlberg, the Piz Buin, the Silvretta is also the best-known mountain range in the region. You will find an overview of the numerous hiking routes in the Silvretta-Bielerhöhe here. We have described two popular hiking tours for you in greater detail below.

 Wanderung Silvrettasee | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Stefan Kothner

Silvrettasee loop hike

An idyllic hike around the Silvrettasee with an outstanding view of the surrounding mountains and glacier. Also traversable with strollers.

Distance: 6.3 km
Walking time: approx. 2 hours
Degree of difficulty: easy
Dining and refreshment options: Restaurant Silvrettasee, Silvretta-Haus***, Berggasthof Piz Buin, Madlenerhaus

Tour description
Wanderung ins Ochsental | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Stefan Kothner

Hike to the Wiesbadener Hütte

This leads past the picturesque Silvrettasee to the Ochsental. The Wiesbadener Hütte is located there and the highest mountain in Vorarlberg, the “Piz Buin”, can be seen directly. The same trail leads back to the starting point.

Distance: 14.2 km
Walking time: approx. 5.5 hours
Degree of difficulty: medium
Dining and refreshment options: Restaurant Silvrettasee, Silvretta-Haus***, Berggasthof Piz Buin, Wiesbadener Hütte, Madlenerhaus

Tour description

Current status Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße

Here you can see whether Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße is currently open. During the summer you can reach Silvretta-Bielerhöhe only via the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße. You can find further information about the opening times under Service & Prices - opening times.

  • Type
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Mountain experiences for hiking

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Pleasure hiking in the Montafon

Soar to airy heights with the Tafamuntbahn! You’ll be rewarded with an outstanding view of the surrounding mountains right at the summit station. Well-maintained and well-marked hiking trails in nearly untouched nature make the Tafamunt mountains a pure pleasure. You can find an overview of the numerous hiking options that a trip with the Tafamuntbahn has to offer here.

Wiegensee | © Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Andreas Haller

Tip: hiking to the Wiegensee

From the Tafamuntbahn summit station, the hike leads through beautiful highland moor landscapes to the Wiegensee. This is one of the last high moorland lakes in the Alps.

Distance: 2.6 km
Walking time to the Wiegensee: approx. 1.5 hours
Degree of difficulty: easy
Dining and refreshment options: Alpstöbli Tafamunt at the Tafamuntbahn summit station

Tour description

Current status Tafamuntbahn

Here you can see whether the Tafamuntbahn is currently open. You can find further information about the opening times under Service & Prices - opening times.


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    Aerial tramway
  • area
  • Status

European nature reserve Wiegensee in the Montafon

The European nature reserve "Wiegensee" is located at 1,900 m above sea level high above the Montafon municipality of Gaschurn in the village of Partenen. It lies within the "Verwall" bird sanctuary, but was declared a separate European protected area ("Wiegensee") due to its importance.

The moor landscape with the extensive mountain pine moor forests lies at the foot of the Versalspitze in a slope depression, the so-called "Wiege", which was created by the glaciers. After the glaciers melted, high alpine lakes formed in these flattened areas, which are increasingly overgrown by marginal fescue grasslands. Two of these former lakes have practically disappeared as a result, and in their place are now important bog habitats.

Useful information at a glance

Hikemap Silvretta-Bielerhöhe

The Silvretta-Bielerhöhe is an ideal starting point for various hiking tours. Find your perfect tour in our summer panorama.

4°C 0cm

Webcam Silvretta-Bielerhöhe


2. 052 m, Gaschurn-Partenen

Open lifts


1 from 3 open Lifts
0 from 1 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
8 from 9 open Cross-country ski trails
3 from 3 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 1 open Other

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T. +43 5556 701 83167
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