Berglandschaft Silvretta-Bielerhöhe im Montafon | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Ramona Thieltges


Silvretta-Bielerhöhe price overview

Here you can find the current prices for the Silvretta-Bielerhöh as well as all information about the Montafon Brandnertal Card.

2024/2025 winter prices

Vermuntbahn, tunnel bus & Silvrettasee drag lift

  Adult. Sen. Child.

Pedestrian ticket1
Vermuntbahn and tunnel bus

41.50 39.50 23.50

Green Ticket1

Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus including free travel to and from the Vermuntbahn within Vorarlberg and from the border stations Buchs, St. Margrethen (CH), Lindau (D) and St. Anton am Arlberg. Only pedestrians without sports equipment (exception: snowshoes). The ticket is only valid on the day of issue.

41.50 39.50 23.50
Ski touring ticket2
Vermuntbahn, tunnel bus and Silvrettasee drag lift - single ride
1 day  44.00 41.80 25.30
2 days 75.70 71.90 41.00
3 days 100.40 95.40 53.90
4 days 128.50 122.10 69.90
5 days  149.60 142.20 81.00
 6 days 169.00 160.60 91.10
7 days 187.90 178.50 101.00
Silvretta day pass1
Vermuntbahn, tunnel bus and Silvrettasee drag lift - whole day
1 day 51.50 49.00 29.70
Silvrettasee drag lift
One-way ticket 4.70 4.50 2.80
Points ticket (10 points) 26.40 25.10 15.20
Afternoon pass available from 1.00 p.m. 19.00 18.10 11.00
Day pass 29.80 28.40 17.20
2 days 54.10 51.40 31.20
3 days 75.60 71.90 43.50
4 days 94.90 90.20 54.60
5 days 111.30 105.80 64.00


Please buy your ticket at the cash desk Vermuntbahn before you start the tour. The ticket for the Silvretta-Skisafari must be purchased before leaving to Galtür.

With a valid ski pass 27.50 27.00 17.00
Without a valid ski pass 56.00 54.00 33.00

Prices in EUR

1) The pedestrian ticket, the green ticket and the Silvretta day pass are only valid on their date of issue.

2) Silvretta ski touring tickets are valid for any two to seven days in the winter season. The ascent and descent do not have to be used on the same day. Silvretta-ski touring tickets are valid for the entire winter season.

For groups of 20 or more paying persons

  Adult. Sen. Child.

Pedestrian ticket
Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus

34.10 32.40 18.70
Ski touring ticket
Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus - Silvrettasee drag lift - single ride
36.10 34.30 19.00
Silvretta day ticket
Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus - Silvrettasee drag lift - whole day
42.30 40.20 22.60

Prices in EUR


Group prices apply for 20 or more paying persons! The tickets must be redeemed and paid for collectively by the tour leader at the cash desk. All groups of people (adults, seniors, children) of a category (for example pedestrian ticket) are counted as a group, but not mixed with another category (for example silvretta day ticket).

Free tickets: For larger groups, one free ticket will be provided for every 20 paying persons of one category.


Ski touring ticket
Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus - Silvrettasee drag lift - single ride
Silvretta day pass
Vermuntbahn - tunnel bus - Silvrettasee drag lift - whole day

Prices in EUR

This offer is valid for compulsory and high schools (school events) from Monday to Friday during normal school hours. The student rate is valid for school classes with children up to the age group of 2005. Official certification of the school (stamp and signature of the management) and a list of all names of students with their date of birth is required.

Companions: We will grant a free pass to teaching staff for every 12 students.

  Age groups by year of birth
Children "Bambini" born in 2019 or after - FREE, but ticket is necessary (from age 3 and above)
Children 2006 to 2018
Adults 2005 to 1961
Seniors in or before 1960


Special rates (bambini, children, seniors) are only available on presentation of a valid photo ID (passport).

All prices are in Euro. Errors and omissions excepted, subject to changes. With your ticket purchase, you consent to the general terms and conditions.

Berglandschaft Silvretta-Bielerhöhe im Montafon | © Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Ramona Thieltges

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2024 summer prices


Vehicle fees  
Vehicles up to 9 people 19.50
Electric vehicles up to 9 people 15.00
Motorcycles (also with side car and three wheelers) 16.00
Electric Motorcycles (also with side car and three wheelers) 12.50
Moped (up to 50 cubic metres) 8.00
Quads 16.00
Lorries and caravans 28.00
Vehicle season ticket 113.00
Motorcycle season ticket 100.00
Lorries season ticket 155.00
Passenger fees for public transportation - scheduled buses  
Per adult 5.00
Per child 3.00

Prices in EUR

Minimum fee (bus up to 8 persons) also applies to empty runs

The minimum fee is applied when the number of persons multiplied by the person fee falls below this fee limit.



Bus group rate

The bus fee is based on the actual number of people conveyed, not counting the driver and one tour guide.

Up to 50 persons 51 - 80 persons 81 persons or more
Bus group rate per adult 5.00 4.40 3.80
Bus group rate per child 3.00 2.20 2.00


Combi package: the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße and Alpinarium Galtür for groups

At least 21 persons in the tour bus. The package can be conducted daily, but a reservation is required. The ticket is only valid on the day of issue. The tickets are to be redeemed and paid for by the tour guide at the toll collection area of the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße. The bus driver and tour guide have free travel and admission.

adults children
Travel over the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße + admission to the Alpinarium Galtür with brief presentation 10.60 6.20

Prices in EUR


Tafamuntbahn prices 2025


Ascent or descent 14.50 13.80 8.70
Ascent and descent  22.10 21.00 13.30
Luggage ticket ascent or descent (no bicycle transport) 5.50    

Prices in EUR


For groups of 20 or more paying persons

  Adult. Sen. Child.
Ascent or descent 13.10 12.50 7.90
Ascent and descent 19.90 19.00 12.00
Package ticket ascent or descent
(no bicycle transport)

Prices in EUR

The tickets must be redeemed and paid for collectively by the tour leader at the cash desk. All groups of people (adults, seniors, children) of a category (for example ascent)  are counted as a group, but not mixed with another category (for example ascent and descent). 

For larger groups, one free ticket will be provided for every 20 paying persons of one category.

Ascent or descent 7.00
Ascent and descent 10.70

Prices in EUR


This offer is valid for compulsory and high schools (school events) from Monday to Friday during normal school hours. The student rate is valid for school classes with children born in or after 2006. Official certification of the school (stamp and signature of the management) and a list of all names of students with their date of birth is required.

We will grant a free pass to teaching staff for every 12 students.

  Age groups by year of birth
Children "Bambini" born in 2019 or after - FREE, but ticket is necessary (from age 3 and above)
Children 2006 to 2018
Adults 2005 to 1961
Seniors in or before 1960


Special rates (bambini, children, seniors) are only available on presentation of a valid photo ID (passport).

All prices are in Euro. Errors and omissions excepted, subject to changes. With your ticket purchase, you consent to the general terms and conditions.

4°C 0cm

Webcam Silvretta-Bielerhöhe


2. 052 m, Gaschurn-Partenen

Open lifts


1 from 3 open Lifts
0 from 1 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
8 from 9 open Cross-country ski trails
3 from 3 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 1 open Other

Buy your ticket

Your Montafon Brandnertal Card


We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

T. +43 5556 701 83167