Skitouren Silvretta-Bielerhoehe | © Golm Silvretta Luenersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz, Alexander Kaiser

Current information for the Silvretta-Bielerhöhe in the Montafon

Weather, webcam, open lifts and snow report in the Silvretta-Bielerhöhe


In both the summer and winter - you are always right in the middle of things with our Silvretta-Bielerhöhe webcam

Position 2. 052 m
Humidity 80%
Wind W 2 km/h
Live data from 01:03

Silvretta-Bielerhöhe current weather and weather forecast

Here you can find the current mountain weather in the Silvretta-Bielerhöhe in the Montafon. Our weather forecast also shows you the weather situation in the coming days. We don’t have bad weather since our various activities are fun in nearly all kinds of weather!

Wednesday, 26.03.2025

Mostly cloudy with occasional sunny spells. Light rain will start in the afternoon.
Sunshine hours: 1 Stunden
Sunrise: 06:11 Uhr
Sunset: 18:41 Uhr
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    S 5 km/h
  • Sun
    1 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    N 5 km/h
  • Sun
    1 Hours
  • 0°C limit
  • Wind
    N 5 km/h
  • Sun
    1 Hours


  • Thursday, 27.03.2025

    Fog and clouds will clear slowly and the day will be partly sunny.
    3 / 10 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      8 Hours
    • Sunrise
      06:09 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:42 o'clock
  • Friday, 28.03.2025

    Rather sunny weather during the day with clouds mainly in the morning and towards the evening
    1 / 13 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      8 Hours
    • Sunrise
      06:07 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:44 o'clock
  • Saturday, 29.03.2025

    Lots of rain, which will be mixed with snow in the first half of the day.
    3 / 6 °C
    • 0°C limit
    • Sun
      0 Hours
    • Sunrise
      06:05 o'clock
    • Sunset
      18:45 o'clock
Last update: 26.03.2025, 01:00 o’clock

Open facilities

Currently open at Silvretta-Bielerhöhe

During the winter time you find here all of our currently open lifts, pistes and cross-country ski trails at a glance. In summer the Silvretta-Hochalpenstraße, Tafamuntbahn and the open huts. You can also learn more about our general opening times with a click.

Last update: 26.03.2025, 01:15 o'clock

Type Given name Status
Type Given name Status
Schlepplift Silvrettasee
Given name Length Status
Silvretta-Skisafari (Partenen-Bielerhöhe-Galtür-Partenen)
Type Given name Status
Piste Silvrettasee
Given name Length Status
Silvretta-Skisafari (Partenen-Bielerhöhe-Galtür-Partenen)
Type Type Given name Length Status
classic Silvretta-Höhenloipe, groß 4,0 km
classic Loipe Bielerhöhe-Galtür 8,0 km
classic Silvretta-Höhenloipe, klein 1,0 km
classic Silvretta-Höhenloipe, mittel 2,0 km
classic Dammloipe 2,0 km
Type Type Given name Length Status
classic Madlenerhaus-Loipe, mittel 1,0 km
classic Madlenerhaus-Loipe, klein 1,0 km
classic Madlenerhaus-Loipe, groß 2,0 km
classic Verbindungsloipe 1,5 km
Given name Length Status
Bielerhöhe-Galtür 8,0 km
Höhenweg 2,0 km
Given name Length Status
Staumauerrundweg 2,5 km
Given name Status
Berggasthof Piz Buin
Wiesbadener Hütte
Alpengasthof Zeinisjoch
Heilbronner Hütte
Given name Status
Saarbrücker Hütte
Tübinger Hütte

Snow- and avalanche report

Avalanche status moderate
Avalanche status


Lifts Pistes Downhill runs
Silvretta-Skisafari (Partenen-Bielerhöhe-Galtür-Partenen)
New snow in the last 24 h
0 cm
Last snowfall
0 cm
53 cm

Silvretta-Bielerhöhe piste map

The Silvretta-Bielerhöhe impresses with numerous cross-country ski trails and offers that go beyond the tourist masses.  Our winter panorama gives you an impression of our region at the end of the Montafon. You can also find a piste map to print out here.

4°C 0cm

Webcam Silvretta-Bielerhöhe


2. 052 m, Gaschurn-Partenen

Open lifts


1 from 3 open Lifts
0 from 1 open Pistes
0 from 0 open Toboggan runs
8 from 9 open Cross-country ski trails
3 from 3 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 1 open Other

Buy your ticket

Your Montafon Brandnertal Card


We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

T. +43 5556 701 83167